Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu today in this blog i will tell you the truth of why did Allah created devil or iblees who is this devil is he real or is it a figment of your imagination or is it just something in philosophy? accordind to the Quran he is very real substance is real you just don't see it he lived before us he is still alive today that's an amazing subject right there isn't it that's amazing!
The word Shaitan is derived from the root (shatan) means impure and base Shaitaan refers to an entity that is rebellious irrespective of whether it is of humans or jinn. It has also say that it means a nefarious soul who is distanced from Allah (subhanaw taala) and from the truth so Shaitaan is in both forms (the jinn and the humans) as Allah (SWT) says: and thus we have made for every prophet an enemy devils from mankind and jinn. (holy quran 6:112)
Now what is this about the jinn? why we have to believe in that ? well they're part of something called (alghaib) alghaib means the things you don't see (the unseen) you agree and I agree we don't see Allah (SWT) okay! so he's in the ghaib (the unseen) we agree there are angels and you don't see them! there are in the ghaib (unseen) made out of light and now the jinn and we don't see down them! there are also in the ghaib they're made from a fire which has no smoke to it and if fire has absolutely nothing like smoke to it then it could be heat you don't see that either there's heat that you don't actually see isn't that true?
The both kind of shayateen are trying to lead people to evil deeds the Jinn kind of them are whispering to your hearts so that you can't see them or hear the whispering and the human kind of them are whispering to your hearts. In a way that you can see and hear but not realize it as whispering and he can be anyone even a friend of you who suggest you for drinking alcohol or any other kind of evil deeds as far as the question is concerned with the iblees, it should be noted that Shaitaan is a common noun whereas it places a proper noun it ibless also from among the jinn was the first creature that disobeyed
almighty Allah's command. We don't see the jinn but we said that they have choices and they were making choices even before Adam (AS) or human beings were ever created and their choices were
sometimes good sometimes bad from them comes the one we call Lucifer or iblees and who is that? who is Lucifer? who is iblees? you might say he's the devil that Satan or Shaitaan is he's called an Arabic language. But actually he started out as a worshipper of Allah (SWT) and he was worshipping and praying to Allah (SWT) and extolling Allah (SWT) to the extent that Allah raised him up to be even with the Angels.
Now remember this guy iblees is not an angel but he was worshipping alongside of them because of his (ebada) or worship being so lovely and Allah (SWT) raised him up, you see ? but then what happened ?and this is an important story so we'll digress from a moment from our beauties of Islam to go into this to get a concept here to understand a big mistake. That some people make when they say that he's from the Angels, Angels don't make mistakes they do as they are commanded. So when Allah (SWT) created the best of his creation what did he create ? created Adam the human being he created Adam (The human being) he created adam from what ? he (SWT) created him from mud or clay. I want to show you what happened, after Allah (SWT) created Adam. Allah ordered all the angels bow down! and all the Angels did because they have to do is they're commanded and they bowed down. All of them bowed except the iblees, he didn't bow down. Now if you read this in context you understand that he was not an angel but if you just read the words all the Angels bow down except Iblees you'll say see that may means "he was an angel" but other words in the Quran we find in other places that Allah said he wasn't an angel. But he was from the jinn, and he's created from smokeless fire and that's exactly what he said you created Adam from mud but I'm created from something better from a smokeless
fire so I refused to bow down, why?, because I'm better than him I am better than Adam and I refused to bow down to him by so doing he disobeyed Allah and whoever disobeys Allah he is in trouble but especially if he does it out of his arrogance in his pride I refused to obey because,ah! I know better and in this way he put himself in the worse possible condition with Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) condemned him different to hell forever and he said I don't even care.
Just let me take him Adam and his children along with me to hell what!!! for what? because of this thing called pride or arrogance (Kebr) in the Arabic language. And what is Kebr? and Kebr is something comes from (Kabara) Kabara is the root of the word (akbar) and only Allah (SWT) is Akbar Allah is greater and greater and greater than anything. But human being has no right in front of Allah (SWT) or anything it's created the jinn, the angels nothing have the right to come in front of Allah (SWT) like this and say: huh! Who am I, you know i am this, i am that! who? Allah (SWT) gave you his command, you'll do it.
Now! the important point is that everyone think that it is because of Shaitan that we commit sins that's why they're asking some questions like why Allah created Shaitan? or why Allah didn't finish Shaitan so that we wouldn't commit sins here is a misunderstanding Shaitaan cannot do anything more than
whispering to make it more clear let's ask a question before iblees become Shaitan there was no other Shaitan right? so who told iblees to disobey almighty Allah's commands? here is the point, there was no Shaitan before him, he did it because of his Nafs. Suppose that even if there was no Shaitan still we'd have nafs so we'd commit sins because this world is a test for the mankind and the jinn kind now same as the case of the iblees, he is also in this test because he is a jinn and he has nafs.
So Allah (SWT) didn't create him as shaitan rather he himself choosed to be Shaitan not only iblees but all the other shayateen are choosing to be Shaitan by disobeying Almighty Allah's order. now what happened next? well! that's when Allah told Adam (AS) that he could have anything that he wanted and all of the paradise squared enjoy. But there's one tree don't eat from it of course you know what's going to happen and the devil came to him and to Eve (Hawa) and got them to eat from that tree and they were cast down because of that but Allah (SWT) knew from the beginning they'll eat from it that's why Allah (SWT) put it there because this life and this is the whole reason for me telling you the story so you can get this one beauty nof Islam to understand this one thing (this life is nothing more than a test)
The obvious point is that the iblees was the first of all shayateen therefore he is the leader of them and all Shayateen are tools for this test even though they are also giving tests.
The army of satan