Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu i hope that you all brothers and sisters are fine today in this blog i will reveal the truth of feminism
Ibn umar reported:
The messenger of Allah (PBUH), said:
"Dajjal (the antichrist) will come upon this mersh of marriqanat (near medina).
most of those who go out to him will be women, until a men goes back to his wife,
his mother, his daughter, his sister, and his aunt
to shackle them tightly fearing they would
go out to him".
souce: musnad ahmad
This hadith tells us that the majority of the follower of the Dajjal will be woman and the impact of the Dajjal's deception on women will be of such intensity that it will require men of a family to coercively
stop their woman from being deceived by the fitnah of the Dajjal meaning that when the Dajjal mission is reaching to its climax something strange will happen to the world of woman a great progressive deception in the world as under the process today which will cause the woman to reach to a point that when they see Dajjal they will go out and join him. And this deception is hidden behind a phenomenon called feminism it doesn't mean that every woman is being deceived by the Dajjal because there are Muslim sisters who are much better in their beliefs than most of the men but it means that the most of the followers of the Dajjal are the woman who came under the influence of the Dajjal deception in a way that they are being brainwashed and lose the capacity of rational thinking.
They believe whatever is being presented to them by the Dajjal or his followers and that is how these women go out and join him therefore they become like robots in the hands of Dajjal.
Now when we look at the issues of feminism we have to understand that feminism in the West is quite different from what many of you might think feminism is as Muslims because the background the history which produced feminism in the in the West is different from the background for Muslims there
are some rights which Western feminism has introduced which are anti family which are really anti femininity which promote lesbianism and other deviant behaviors and practices. This has become chartered in the UN in their women's conferences these are being promoted the boundaries of what was just fair and just it now shifted into radical feminism which identified men as being the enemy they talk about the patriarchal society that the only way women are going to be truly free is if they divorce themselves from men practically.
They especially now with technology women can have a baby without the direct intervention of a man they have sperm banks where you just make the arrangements you get it then you can have a child so they say we don't need men of course they still need the men to provide the sperm so it's not that you
don't need men right? but the point is that even marriage now was being looked at as being a place of oppression of women. Cause the idea that the man you know is the head of the family and all this no! they looked at that as being oppression so they have launched an attack on the family itself and this is
what has now dominated the women's conferences that are connected with the UN etc. The American and European feminists you know they have dominated the discussion
Do you want to know the real agenda behind feminism?
"By the year 2000 we will, i hope rise our children
to believe in human potential, not god"
Gloria steiniem, leader of
american feminist movement and a cia agent
"Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear
that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this
institution, freedom for women cannot be won without
the abolition of marriage"
sheila cronin, a radical feminist leader
"The end of the instituton of marraige is the necessary
condition for the liberation of women, therefore it is important for us
to encourage women to leave their husbands and not live individually with men, all of history
must be re-written in terms of oppression of women we must go back in
ancient female religions like witchcraft"
declaration of feminism,
a feminism produced document on 1971
"In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from
families and communally raise them, we got to them away from any amle influence"
mary jo brain, a feminist associate director
of the school center for research on women
"The most merciful thing a large family can go to one
of its infant members, is to kill it."
Margaret sanger, founder of planned parenthood
leading the parade in abortion
"Abortion is necessity of millions women worldwide, for their dream
of better tomorrow."
Feminist majority foundation
"Families must be destroyed and people must find better ways of living together,
the breakup of families is an objectively revolutionary process"
Linda gordon, feminazi
This is amazing how confused the woman are today about their role and they are confused because massive efforts are being done under the name of feminism in order to cause this confusion among the
people and as a result the marriages and Families the primary building block of social and moral order are in shambles much of this is late a defeat of feminist movement because it has overturned the thinking of women so dramatically that they have forgotten their real precious value and important
responsibilities that are given by their creator. What the public sees about the feminism is that women want equal pay and they want to be free from certain social structures and we may think it's a movement for stopping violence against women but the real agenda is much more serious.
The prophet Mohmmad (PBUH) said, "o ibn masood! from the signs of hour is that young people will
be rich and there will be movements to corrupt women"
This is our prophet speaking and he said you will see miracle suebian young people having massive wealth like the Zuckerberg is a multi-billionaire before he was 30 and you and and you will see more you will see the movements to corrupt the women.
Look who his behind this movement
Narrated usama bin zaid;
The prophet Mohmmad (PBUH) said, "after me i have not left any trial
more severe to men than women."
Sahih al-bukhari
There is no way of influencing men so powerfully as by means of the women.
these should therefore be our chief study we should insinaute ourselves into
their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tranny of public opinion, and of standing
up for themselves; it will be an immense relief to their enslaved minds to be freed from any one bond
of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal
without knowing that they do so; for they will only be indulging their own
desire of personel admiration.
Adam weishaupt
founder of the order of illuminati
The reason we have to take this movement seriously is because they constitute fortress, they constitute
these speculations the ideologies the proud intellectualism that's erected in our society and has a formidable place they're influencing the law they're influencing the court and they have a massive influence on education all you have to do is realize that this is how the university system things that's
where the school teachers are all trained and you see how it filters all the way down through the educational system they try to create laws and we have to live by the laws that are obilterating all sense of moral and religious views and their ideas are being taught through every possible medium. Whether
its educational system or entertainment and as a result we have a brainwashed society which is following their evil ideologies.
Unfortunately today some people ( even muslim sisters ) follow the feminist movement without understanding the evil agenda behind it. because mostly the truth behind this movement goes unnoticed although it is obvious.
1,400 years ago in the seventh century prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihe wasalam) had stated in his farewell address (Khutbat-ul-wedah) he had said there in that khutbah o people! your lord is one and your father is one by Allah! there is no superiority of an arab over a non- arab or for a non arab over an arab and there is non for whites over blacks nor for blacks over whites except based on the fear of Allah (Swt) this statement 1400 years ago is a statement of civil rights, a statement of equality which was only reached by Western civilization in the 19th and 20th centuries. So we have a different background our laws are divinely revealed laws revealed by the creator of this world and everything in it that khutbah or speech which prophet Muhammad (saw) gave as his farewell speech 1400 years ago you
will not find in any civilization from the 7th century all the way up until the 20th century were a clear statement of equality and opposition to nationalism and tribalism is there you will not find it no matter how hard you search in all of the European countries countries of the Far East Near East it's not there
and the reason why it was there at the time when nowhere else in the world was this set is because it is revelation from Allah subhana wataala that's why it could be found 1400 years ago when nobody in the rest of the world was thinking about this. So when we look at the issues of feminism we have to look at them from this perspective that Islam has already given us the foundations for women's rights they're all they're women's rights which benefit them they're all there.
No ideology no political movement no army no civilization no culture has ever given women rights on the ground like Islam gave women were being buried alive that young girls are being killed in infancy there was no rice women are chattels in all societies including European society they were slaves they could be bought amd sold they had no rights they could be killed and then when Islam came it gave them equal rights under the law it also showed clearly that a woman has a soul now this might sound strange the loss of heart. Allah (Swt) tells us every soul will be held responsible for its deeds now that might sound strange why we say women have a soul ? we understand that but the Christian Church in the 20th century was asked do women have souls ? and many of the priests and minister said no they're
soulless creatures up until the 20th century.
Islam also gave property rights to women that she can have her own property that the Mahr, this dowry which is supposed to be an amount of wealth that has some meaning to it not necessarily something
just symbolic not a trifling thing not a bribe for the father but something which is of meaning that is the property of the woman and Islam established these property rights and so up until today she has the right to her own property and she has the right for her own bank account. She doesn't have to put her money in her husband's account it (islam) also said she doesn't have to take the name of her husband she keeps her own family name she has her own father and her own mother but the reality is the constant stress in this is on independence that these are two individuals who are married together zamjayn (companions) when zawj is being used it is a companion it is zawjayn (two companions) who complement each other whose qualities should not be struggling and fighting against each other but should be complementing each other.
The army of satan