What is Jihad ?


Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaathuhu brothers and sisters I hope you're well. In this blog I will tell you about reality of jihad. Islam generally  misunderstood, especially in Western countries, and no Islamic term is more widely misunderstood and evokes such strong reactions as the word jihad. Jihad is often mistranslated to mean holy war and some non Muslims misunderstood the term to mean waging war against disbelievers in an attempt to either convert them to Islam or to kill them. Often the word jihad is thought to be synonymous with terrorism. In reality this couldn't be further from the truth. 

The word jihad comes from an Arabic word meaning to 'make an effort' or 'to strive towards a goal'. 

The term jihad means to 'to exert oneself' or 'to struggle'. In the Islamic context, it means to struggle against one's own evil inclination. So, any effort of self-improvement, whether in the form of improving, one's owns spirituality, education or financial situation. Is an act if jihad. The holy Quran makes it clear that jihad has been used therein to mean 'striving' or 'exerting' 

 'we shall certainly guide those who strive for our cause to our path. God is certainly with the righteous ones' (Quran 29:69) 

This verse applies to ones that spiritually struggle to attain closeness to and seek the pleasure of God. 

Jihad comes in different forms. The most important form of jihad, which can be labeled as major jihad, is jihad An Nafs (The jihad of the soul) This spiritual struggle between the two powers within human beings; the soul and the body. The soul is prone to becoming corrupted with the corruption arising from within oneself, from external influences, or both

''Verily, the soul is inclined to evil'' (Quran 12:53) 

Islam expresses the importance of one to purify and to cleanse, and to restrain themselves from submitting to their own sinful desires. They are expected to avoid acts of disobedience which are pleasing to God. Islam expects their followers to give preference to their soul and their conscience over their body and desires and inner temptations. 

'''And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the world's'' (Quran 29:6) 

Islam places a great deal of emphasis on  self-improvement, self-development, self-restraint, and self-control, shaping one's life in the best possible manner for one's own benefit and the benefit of the society at large. This jihad is intended to purify the soul and involves struggling against greed for wordly purposes, arrogance, pride, envy, jealousy, hatred, hypocrisy, insincerity, vanity, narcissism and other evil traits which satan uses to lead mankind astray into destruction. It is imperative for every Muslim to struggle and strive on a daily basis to overcome these evils to the best of their ability. 

The jihad of the soul also includes the struggle to perform good deeds for the sake of God, in order to please him become closer to him. Allah states in his book: 

'''He has succeeded who purifies it'' (Quran 91:9) 

Scholars state that the successors this verse is referring to are those individuals that engage in purifying their souls obeying god and restraining from sins and evil doing. 

The other major type of jihad is jihad Al Syatan ( jihad against satan) satan main aims is to destroy the religion of mankind  by attacking them with continues whispers regarding their belief in God and when in worship in order to tempt, corrupt and mislead people away from God's guidance. O you who have believed enter into submission completely and perfectly and do not follow the footsteps of satan. Indeed he is to you a clear enemy (Quran 2:208)  the whispers of Satan can come to pious and righteous people as well as to wicked and evil individuals. These whispers can be detrimental to one's spiritual, emotional, physical and psychological well being, so it's essential for one to strive to fight against satan; to award off doubts that satan stirs up that undermines one's faith in God and to ward off corrupt desires which he provokes. 

These two types of jihad are the foundation for all other varieties of jihad and are obligatory upon everyone who is accountable. If one does not engage in these types of jihad, he are she cannot venture into the other realm of jihad which involves battles against external enemies. 

This introduces us to the other variety of jihad: the armed struggle against those who plot against Muslims which can be classified as minor jihad. 

When Muslims or their faith or territory is threatened under attacks, Muslims are permitted to defend themselves this jihad is the act of striving in the battlefield to fight in self defense to defend one's own life, family faith, wealth, or property. It also includes fighting against evil, operation, and tyranny to defend what is right and to combat operation. This jihad is the effort and struggle to improve society. As stated earlier, jihad does not mean holy war. 

The Arabic word for holy war is ''harbun muqaddasah'. The word jihad does not imply holy war, and the words 'holy war' does not exist at all in the holy Quran or in any authentic Hadith ( sayings of prophet Mohammed )  in fact, the killing of innocent people whether muslim or non muslim is totally condemned in Islam and is considered a major sin islam does not permit Muslims to fight against non Muslims, solely on the basis of their faith. Islam is religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness no one can be compelled to accept Islam; this complete the comprehensive way of life. 

There shall be no compulsion in acceptance of the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelievers in false deities and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it and Allah is hearing and knowing (Quran 2:256) 

It is the duty of Muslims to convey and establish the proofs and evidence of Islam to people so that they can be differentiated from falsehood islam is very clear in terms of it's message and mission, both of which no one is compelled to accept. Whoever is not stubborn or arrogant in their acceptance will enter and accept islam, and whoever chooses to reject the truth may do so as well. No one can threaten or harm anyone in any way because they choose not to accept islam. In fact, if one is compelled to accept this faith, then he/she is not a true muslim at heart additionally, islam does not allow for the fighting of non combatants. Military conflicts are to be directed against only fighting soldiers, and not against innocent civilians.

''..Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land it is as if he had slain mankind entirety. And whoever saves one it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.. '' (Quran 5:32) 

It is also forbidden for one to harm or kill oneself by any means. Suicide is a serious sin in islam and a state of disbelief and loss of faith that is condemned by the Quran ''.. Do not throw  [yourselves] with your [own] hands in destruction. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good'' (Quran 2:195) 

If attacked, one is permitted to fight back in self defense. Muslims should be strong in order to defend themselves and preserve their own lives. ''Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory'' (22:39) however, if the other party refrains from aggression and offers peace, them muslims are expected to extend their hand for peace in return. '''And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is he who is the hearing, the knowing'' (Quran 8:61) 

The first battle fought by our prophet nad his followers, called the battle of badr. Was an act of defense against a group who plotted against and waged war against the muslims. When fighting in defense, the holy Quran warns Muslims not to exceed their military actions beyond the proper limits. Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not  transgress indeed,allahr does not like transgressors (Quran 2:190) this type of fighting is permitted, as it is a lesser evil designed to rid the world of a bigger evil. It is committed with purpose of Enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong. It consitutes the act of fighting to defend islam, rather than to spread it. Islam has provided guidelines for fighting against the enemy in self defense. Islam prohibits like the killing of children, women, the elderly, the sick, monks in monasteries, rabbis, those who are sitting in places of worship, and the  killing of any other noncombatant even in a state of war and fighting.islam does not allow torture of prisoners of war, mutilation, treachery, rape, cutting down fruitful trees, or the destroying of cultivated fields or gardens, or the destruction of property. Islam also does not allow the slaughter of cows, sheep, and camel's, except for food. Muslims are also forbidden from attacking wounded soldiers unless the wounded soldier is still fighting you. Islam only allows fighting minimum necessary force. Some enemies of Islam take the text of the holy Quran and Hadith out of context, claiming islam promotes violence and terrorism; even tough jihad has nothing to do with damaging oneself or society. Jihad remains a noble matter; a noble strike for the sake of God. 

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