Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
These ahadith predict firstly a continuation of wars from the time of the Sahaba up till Judgment Day or more to be more precise up until the Great War but secondly there are a number of ahadith that mention civil war between the Muslims towards the end of times a massive war that will take place between the Muslims and also there's a series of hadith that mention a big war between Muslims and an ally and a non-muslim so Muslims with one group of non-muslims versus another group of non-muslims and also this is genre number two and then number three there are a hadith about the big war in Arabic it is called Al malhama tul kubra. This is a prophetic term Al malhama malhama means the
disaster the catastrophe or the bloodshed. Malhama just the bloodshed and this is the equivalent of the
Christian concept of the Armageddon. So there are a number of ahadith that mention a civil war that's not the Armageddon that's before the Armageddon then there are a hadith that mention a big war but not quite the big war so there will be a big war but not the big war and this is all ijihad because some
Ulama have merged them all together and then there are ahadith that mention the big war and of course the big war the Malhama is between Isa and the Dajjal that is the end the final battle that will take place after that there might not be any more wars after that as we're going come to later on that might be the end of all wars and then other things will happen after that so first and foremost a series of continual battles mini battles. The prophet (SAW) predicted once the sword is unsheathed
from ummah. It will never be put back this is a generic hadith the Muslims will be continually fighting petty battles from the time of the Sahaba major battles took place Battle of Siffin Battle of jamel continuation throughout Islamic history. Muslims have been fighting one another you look at
right now what's happening. Muslims are fighting right this is standard is going to happen then there will come a time where there will be major wars between the Muslims and there will come a time between there will be a major war between Muslim and non-muslim on one side and one other non-muslim on the other now whether this is going be before and after the big major war between Muslims. We don't know we don't know and then it will conclude with what with the big war the Malhama Tul Kubra so today inshallah analysts discuss some of those traditions and get a clearer
understanding of what this notion is we began with the famous hadith in whic is oft quoted many times it is authentic hadith where Abdullah ibn hawala said we were with the prophet (Salallahu alayhi wasalam) and we complained to him. How poor we were and that we didn't even have clothes to wear we'll complaining to him so the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) said rejoice don't worry about.
That for i am not worried that you will live in poverty wallah I'm not worried that you're going live in poverty wallahi this Ummah will be in continual good until Allah (Subhana wataala) opens up the lands of the Furas (the Persians) and the lands of the Romans that's the Byzantine Empire and the lands of himyar that is Yemen so in Makkah the prophet (SAW) predicted don't worry we will conquer the Persian Empire. and that happened and we will conquer the Byzantine Empire and that happened and we will conquer Yemen and all of that happen then the prophet (SAW) said you will become three armies so he said you will become this is the Ummah this is the Civil War we talked about between the Muslims you will become three armies joined by sham were joined by a rock were joined by Yemen an army will be in a sham an army will be in Iraq and an army will be in Yemen and wealth will be so much. There man will be given 100 dinars now 100 dinars maybe if I were to say in our times like $5,000 it's a large amount. But not an obscenely large amount five thousand is no joke 100 dinars is a good amount of money right now first will be of a hundred dinars and think that this is
nothing this is not a good amount in other words wealth will be so much that a good amount of wealth would be considered utterly trivial. Ibn hawala said Ya Rasool Allah when that happens which of these three army should I be with which of these three army should I be with the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) said I tell you to be in the army of Al- sham of Syria. because it is the
chosen of Allah as people and it is where the qiyamah will take place so the prophet (SAW) predicted that there will be three armies an army in As- sham an army in Iraq and an army in Yemen and he told even Ibn hawala choose the army in in As- sham. I already mentioned another hadith I mentioned right before going for Hajj we mentioned that when I mentioned the concept of the Mahdi. We went over this hadith quickly it is in the six books the authentic hadith Sunan ibn majah. Where
our Prophet (SAW) said this is about the Mahdi we jump to the mahdi part there was a phrase there i glossed over and that is three sons of a khalifa will fight amongst you for your treasures for your treasures. What treasure is this ? some have said this is the treasure in Mecca there was a treasure buried once upon a time but the hadith doesn't mention Makkah and it is my opinion it doesn't make sense to interpret it as Mecca rather there will be a treasure of the Ummah. Oil natural resource Allah knows best there will be a treasure belonging to the Ummah and three sons of a khalifa three princes all of their fathers are oil family although their fathers are ruling so three sons are a khalifa will
fight one another so these are within the Ummah this is the internal civil war that we talked about and none of them will be victorious they're all three goning fail none of them will be victorious and then the black flags will come from Khorasan on and then the Mahdi and then I had it goes on so we jumped to the Mahdi but where does it begin there will be an internal Civil War and what this hadith shows is that the Madi will come at a time when the Muslim Ummah itself is internally fighting. And the Mahdi will unify the Ummah from within this is pretty clear that the Mahdi will unify the Ummah the Ummah will need a leader. The ummah will need somebody they can trust somebody whose integrity is beyond doubt and the person that they will look to and the person will unanimously go
behind is none other than the Mahdi. So there will be massive civil war but the Mahdi comes and that Civil War will be finished because how can now you fight when the Mahdi is there so this is a very clear indication that there shall be a time of massive internal civil war between the ummah and frankly when you look at what is happening now with the internal superpowers and I don't like
mentioning names but you use your common sense and knowledge of politics right now there's already massive wars going on right now. Muslims are dividing amongst themselves each one of them doing its own and Muslims are being harmed in the process Allahumustaan what's even worse by the way is that these are being used by non-muslims right the problem comes the super powers of the world are using their proxies in these regions each one of them thinks that they will be the lap
dog of the big superpower in reality the superpowers never care about their lapdogs. What I'm saying we should be slightly terrified no we should be very terrified looking at what is happening in the world and looking at these ahadith about the end of times and Allah knows best so this is the issue of the internal war