British Spies In Arabia

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
In this blog i will reveal the truth of british spies in arabia. It is in 1916 that Jess ASSA went to work with British spies British spies in Arabia Lawrence of Arabia of causes the most well-known of them these British spies were sent into Arabia posing as Muslims and they went to two actors in Arabia - one was Sharif Hussein Sharif Al Hussein who was appointed by the Khalifa in Istanbul as the Sharif of the Hejaz Makkah and Madinah and control Makkah was under the control of an Arab battalion but Medina was under the control of a Turkish battalion and I wish I could understand why the Khalifa insisted on the Turkish battalion under the under the leadership of fuckery Pasha to defend Medina I don't know why so when the British spies went to Hussein they offered him the moon they offered him the moon we will liberate the land of the hated Ottoman Turks and we will give you independence and freedom and you will now become the king of the Arabs remember Britain is not talking about Khalifa Khilafah no no we make you the king of the Arabs and we also prepared to offer you a little you-know-what just seven million pounds seven million pounds at that time is what Bill Gates has now Sharif Hussein the great great grandfather of Abdullah in Jordan now then betrayed the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) - Aslam betrayed 1,400 years of history of this Ummah violated the plain and clear command of allah (Subhanahu wata'ala) in the quran in surah to mahida in which he commanded us yeah do not take the Jews and do not take the Christians as your own auliya do not establish an alliance with them in which you become dependent upon them and subservient to them do not do that says Allah but I do whom only they are protecting Friends of each other. Who am I at our home minkum for in a woman whom whosoever from amongst you turn to them for that kind of an alliance you no longer belong to this Ummah you now join them in Allah Allah will come at all I mean surely Allah will never provide guidance for a people who commit such an atrocious act of wrongdoing and this is precisely what Sharif Hussein did and what all his descendants from that day to this day have been doing. Sharif Hussein now accepts seven thousand million sterling pounds and enters into a military alliance with Britain and declares himself independent of the Ottoman Khalifa once the Khilafah in Istanbul had lost control of Makkah and Madina had lost control of the haramein had lost control of the Hajj you pull the carpet you pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Khalifa his Khilafah is now losing legitimacy can anyone be Khalifa can you appoint a sharifa here in downtown la cama can mullah omar have been recognized as the Haritha no why not because when the Hajj comes amirul mumineen mullah omar will have to apply for a saudi visa to perform the Hajj and if the Saudis reject the visa horrific um perform the Hajj alright and so the British calculated if we can wrest control of the haramein and the Hajj away from the Khalifa in Istanbul then the legitimacy of his. Halawa will begin to crumble and so this was 1916 the British spies then went to the second actor in the Arabian Peninsula I mean Britain has a PhD in deception if you want to destroy the Khilafah okay you have to make sure that it cannot be restored how can you take the entire world of Islam it's so many ulemah and ensure that not only is the Khilafah destroyed but it cannot be restored that's a tall order how to do it the answer is you not only have to liberate the haramein from the control of the khalifa Istanbul but you have to put it in the control of those who will not themselves claim the Khilafah and will not allow anyone else to claim the khilafah and so long as these people keep control of the haramein and the Hajj the Khilafah can never be restored simple isn't it simple isn't it and so that is why they had to make the trip to Riyadh to meet.


What's his name Abdul Azziz ibn-e-saud correct name of course it's a correct name why are you afraid to mention it but a al aziz ibn saud did not control the Hejaz so he couldn't command the check for seven million pounds huh he had to be content with something less than that so what the British offered to him was if you would sign the same kind of agreement with us and violate the specific command in the Quran and betrayal on his messenger and betray him if you will do that we pay you five thousand pounds a month would you accept that Abdul Aziz yes yes and in 1916 Abdul Aziz ibn-e-saud  sign an agreement with Britain yes which made of him a military ally of Britain subservient to Britain but when the f1 for his military force questioned him. how can you sign this agreement with Britain and how can you accept this money from Britain five thousand pounds a month and abdul aziz ibn-e-saud says this is jizya Jizya is what they pay to me because I control them it was just in their eyes and they swallowed it and so if Abdulaziz if miss out got away with it massive betrayal and a very dangerous plan is now in place as soon as the Khilafah is destroyed that Abdul Aziz if miss out will be given what is known as the green light something that Saddam Hussein knows about the green light and then he will attack and take control of the haramein and when once he does that he won't make the mistake of ever claiming the Khilafah for himself and he will never allow anyone else to claim the khilafah. Because no one else can take the control of the Hejaz and the haramein from them because they are supported by Britain. And so goodbye to the Khilafah it's gone it can never be restored never will never never be restored so long as Britain and the United States of America underwrite the security of the Saudi state you can never never never restore the head of by 1919 the Ottoman Empire was in shambles falling apart and a British Army under general Allenby would many Arabs and Punjabi Muslims fighting faithfully under his control attacked the Turkish garrison which was defending Jerusalem defeated it and liberated the Holy Land this was a joyous day for the Jews because now the countdown is really moving forward and the Golden Age is coming back.

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