Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu In this blog i reveal the truth of israel using porn as a weapon.Imagine that there is a drug that is as addictive as heroin and can potentially destroy your iman and not only is this drug completely free of charge it's also widely available and you can access it at a click of a button and also there are no laws against this drug there are no regulations in many countries around the world so this drug can flood the market imagine how destructive a drug like that would be and how much damage could be caused to people's faith to people's iman if this drug were flooding the market and in fact that drug exist that drug is pornography there is a porn epidemic that is affecting the entire globe scientists are now recognizing the major problems that are caused by pornography and how people are addicted to pornography this is something that is so severe that in the united states there's even one state that has declared porn a public health crisis this is primarily due to the addictive nature of pornography one study from 2013 even said that pornography creates the same pathways of addiction in the brain as heroin what has been less studied is how pornography affects religious beliefs in a recent study published in the national institute of health sociologists samuel perry and george hayward published an article called seeing is not believing in this article they tried to explain how pornography addiction affects faith religious faith and they found shocking results they found that pornography has a secularizing effect on the viewer they found that increased viewing of pornography causes a decrease in one's feeling of closeness to god a decrease in frequency of prayer a decrease in frequency of religious service attendance a decrease in the importance of religion in one's life and very importantly an increase an increase in doubts about one's faith all of this is caused by a frequent viewing of pornography what's interesting is that these effects hold regardless of gender it affects males and females equally but it does have a greater impact on youth so teenagers especially are at a higher risk of experiencing these effects from increased watching of pornography so this is something that muslims have to be aware of how scary is this that there can be a drug that can have this effect on your iman it's interesting because we usually think about doubts or shubu hat in islam being caused by intellectual trends or ideologies that might be affecting the way we think about certain issues and that's true that is a big source of doubts but another source of doubts can be something that's not intellectual at all as this research shows something that is just viewing indecent images indecent videos can create doubts can create doubts in one's islam and create these kinds of hat even israel as a country has used pornography as a weapon against palestinians in 2002 when israel was attacking uh palestine specifically the west bank they took over the palestinian tv stations and broadcast pornography on the palestinian tv stations think about it why would israel do this they did this because they understood this is a weapon to take away the modesty the decency of palestinians to corrupt the palestinians on a spiritual and psychological level but of course as muslims we've always known that we have to lower the gaze and allah commands us to lower the gaze because the eyes are the gateway to the heart and if you expose your eyes to filth then that will blacken your heart and dirty your heart because of what you see and hear what is amazing is that in one narration attributed to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he says that the furtive glance is like a poisoned arrow of chapon so the poisoned arrow is particularly deadly because after you remove the arrow the poison is still in your body the poison is still affecting you and can make you sick and can even kill you so this is exactly akin to the nature of pornography in its addictiveness that even when you're not watching it it can still have an impact on you and it can make you crave it and want it more and more and more so the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is warning of this the quran and the sunnah is warning of this kind of damage caused because of the unrestrained glance and looking at what is forbidden so we ask allah to protect us from this kind of fitnah to protect us from pornography.