Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
In this blog am going to tell you about plague is a mercy for Believer and punishment for disbelievers.Today I will explain this with reference of Saheeh bhukari and sahih Muslim
Aisha radiallah Tala ana asked to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) about plagues and the prophet Muhammad sallaiallah Alai wasllaam said that plagues are a punishment that Allah sends to whomever. He pleases and Allah has made it a means of mercy for the believers. it is a punishment to some and a mercy for the others. Who believe in Allah a place of plague and expects Allah will happen except what Allah has decreed, except that he shall get the reward of a shaheed. This is in sahih bukhari and the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said hadith is bukhari and Muslim , the plague is considered as shahadah for the every believer so the plague is a mechanism for shahadah.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said when adultery becomes widespread.diseases that were previously unknown to mankind will appear [Saheeh Targheeb]